The people of Firnus come in all shapes and sizes, from the tall, bulky and muscular Bjorthn to the small wiry and crafty Mustel. Ahead is a summary of each of Firnus's people, otherwise known as Beasts of Beast-folk. There are no good or evil people in Firnus, and everyone has their strengths, weaknesses, honorable stories and historical baggage.
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Azerin are a herbivorous people who sport unique horns atop their hardy heads. They have been shaped by the craggy mountains of the South to survive on tough plants and climb with cloven hooves to access them. A stout people, they are fully bipedial, but their short fingers have flat, thick nails that assist well with climbing. The other major adaptation they sport are thick coats or 'fleeces' that keep them well insulated from the cold. Other beast-folk regard the Azerin as stoic and peaceful people who will endure just about anything to keep a community united. Also known for selling their wool and pieces created from that wool. Perhaps a rumour, they also are well known for selling a strange food called 'cheese' originating from their homeland.
Family & trust are the foundations of Azerin life. Their ancestral home the Khololands is rife with predatory species, so to outcast a member of the flock is to send them to their death. It's not strange to see other beast-folk within their flocks as many are attracted to their nomadic lifestyle and many groups will welcome in strangers who are willing to lend their skills to their community. Yet it would be strange to many Azerin to see the Bjorthn peacefully co-existing among their people as they share a sordid history. It was a Toggyr Queen that sent her warriors to hunt down Azerin when the Bjornthn starved for her mistakes. Then after, it was an Azerin archanist that froze an entire continent to spite the monarchy. While distrust is common, in countries other than The Khololands Azerin will rarely kick up a fuss about sharing space with those who hunted them generations ago.
The Azerin have a culture of unity that seeks to not hold any above the other. So as a side effect in many flocks individuality is frowned upon. Some specific Azerin groups take this to extremes, for example the fleece-less 'Children of Maeiz.' These canyon dwellers make even the smallest decisions democratically as a flock and have no qualms with sacrificing one for the greater whole.
The greatest cultural ceremony for the Azerin is the Rut which is held at any faire, wedding, funeral, or time of the year. The Rut seeks to break tension and showcase the vitality of those gathered. A tournament of sorts, the Rut sees opponents lock horns at great speeds with the goal of knocking the other off their feet. The ultimate winner of a Rut is awarded free food, the best seat, and their choice of guest to drink along-side as the celebration truly begins.
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Known as the Ursine to the Panthera and the Brassili to the Gilter, these carnivores have massive crushing claws and towering seven foot tall bodies rife with muscle. As facultative bipeds they can switch between walking as a biped to running at full pelt as a quadruped with ease, making them deadly hunters and skilled warriors. Their fur is regarded as greasy by other folk and is generally thick and longest on the neck where most like to braid the fur under the ears, while most have barky brown or black fur it is common for those who live in the far South to be a pale white.
The Bjorthn have a long history of solitude, a lifestyle that saw much suspicion and rage towards fellow beasts, Bjorthn and any who could be an easy meal. But a figure known as the Zoltzclaw became famous among the people of the South, but when he was felled during a hunt his only apprentice, a woman known as Khol took up his mantle and saw to it that the Bjorthn unite as one. Even after her own passing the people swore not to harm their kin as she taught them 'To spill a brother's blood is to stain his nephew's fur red.'
What became known as The Khololands in her honor was initially a country that held the pride of the Bjorthn high above all else. They sought only to flourish and protect the sanctity of their belief in the three Gods known simply as The Triplets. While they loathed arguments, the hunting of other beast-folk was not a taboo and the Azerin people held a belief that the royal family (decendants of Khol) saw as a mockery of the Ursine scripture. So they began a war that was further escalated by the Azerin, and came to a climax with The Eternal Winter, a one hundered year storm that consumed the Khololands. Many Bjorthn and Azerin fled to other nations such as Meskania, but those who stayed joined together in small fortresses to brave the storm and work as one to fix their mistake.
While the winter was ended by a band of heroes, the Bjorthn that remained were few and after so many years of seperation held beliefs that varied wildly between them. Now their stubborn ambitions shine as personal passions rather than the joint fervour of a nation, and disagreements are solved through maintaining large personal bubbles or holding competitions. Most choose to live at an arms length from their own people as the old cultural traditions are slowly re-introduced.
Druga [WIP]
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Known widely as the Dentar after the Pantheran occupation of Gurav, the Gilter have the sloped noses and wide gap between the eyes of a herbivore, but the senses and drive of a hunter, leading them to be an omnivorous people. (Though culturally most groups refuse to eat any meat with bones, only consuming insects and plants.) The Gilter are well suited to the varied landscapes of Firnus' central continent, being comfortable in most climates and seasons. They sport unique characteristics like long whiskers, furless ears, hands, and tail. That tail is a particular point of pride for the Gilter. Making up for half of their total body length alone, the tail is almost always curved to rise upwards like a lightning rod, primed to sense vibrations in the air. To touch a Gilter's tail without permission is a taboo that can land a person in deep trouble, to step upon a tail could even be an offence punishable by death.
Other groups often see the Gilter as inightful, secretive, and suspicious. For much of history they have been a people without a land to call their own and often retreat into their own communities within greater cities across the lands, cities that these Gilter often treat with contempt. There is much distrust among them for the law and those outside of Gilter circles, but when trust is formed it is a powerful bond that can see a good beast protected by entire towns worth of Gilter that may have never met them.
When the Gilter did have a land to call their own their were clans that saw themselves as rightful leaders of all Gilter-kind. Some historians attribute this confidence to 'The Chatterung,' a god-like force that is felt in the movement of magic through the air, guiding the devout in their actions and pointing them to the best possible outcomes, or even revealing hidden truths. This 'truth' that was unveiled was the divine right to rule of three seperate monarchies... Nodekoph: the dragon slayers, Waizentrum: the archanists, and Oztenkig: the horde. They were at war for generations until the death of all three monarchs at the very same moment scattered all great loyalists in a panic. Then, years after when the Panthera arrived on their land, the remaining Gilter had not recovered their numbers or gathered under a unified banner from the war. So there was nothing to do but retreat into the shadows to fight another day.
There is no land without Gilter upon it, or a city without a particularly insightful advisor or buisness owner. But some new Gilter countries form in later eras. The Buckan government allow in the 6th era for the city of Lievin to become and independent state under Gilter rule, and a distant decendent of Waizentrum's last king Eydis White-Tail would go on to form a new country for all in the rubble of King Bernard's claim after his death.
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Hirini are unique among the people of Firnus, with no claws, comparibly dull senses and large patches of furless skin. They are adapted to the shallow warm waters of the mangrove isle of Gaz, primarily built to climb upon the tall sprawling trees, but their capes of fur assists in floatation and their nostrils are able to close with an air tight seal. Two other unique and striking adaptations are their chests and tail. The chest has a patch of red skin that can be revealed when arms are raised agressively, and the Hirini's tail is prehensile. While a tail cannot be used to swing on a branch or strike with a weapon it can and often is used to strum an instrument, hold a basket, or play games.
Stories often partner the people of Gaz with chaos. So many see Hirini as agents of such, created by an ancient evil to disrupt the calm waters with their brand of disquiet. It is unknown where these stories come from but it is easy to speculate that it may be due to the shared love Hirini have for loud music, daring stunts, magic tricks and anything new. Despite the differences they have Hirini travellers often explore the lands out of love for other cultures collecting momentos as they go. Which isn't always with consent as Hirini communities have social structures that care more about providing for all than hording anything for yourself, so anything you own is assumed to also belong to your friends and family. 'Whoever needs, gets.'
As boisterous as they are, the Hirini have no major history of warfare, but many have made fine adventurers as well as mercenaries for hire. But no warrior was quite as famous as Tawhiri Gahiri, a jester who turned to the life of an assassin for hire when profit came to the shores of Gaz. The rich hired his services and he punished the greedy, with time turning his efforts across the sea to Gurav.
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The Ix have been known to many over the eras as 'Wulpen' or 'Vulpen' as they first entered the world stage by intruducing themselves to the Panthera of Gurav. A group that swiftly attributed their own 'scientific' name to these people. The Ix have a language that is compsed of many tonal yips and barks, with sounds that are nearly indecipherable to less sensitive ears like the Panthera who have hearing better attuned to lower tones. Apart from hearing, the ears of the Ix are perfectly sized and filled with blood vessels to regulate heat as their home of Swef is a great expanse of brush, desert and canyons, with jungles far to the south past the most harsh stone plains. The Ix are small, almost as small as the Mustel and feature blunt claws, short needle teeth and thin red and yellow fur. Their strength comes from teamwork which the Ix would use to hunt in packs of fifty to take down large prey, and as society developed they moved to the shores to catch fish upon complex sailing ships. As carnivores they do not tend to the land in order to harvest plant life, but they do hunt carefully, moving around the country and caring for abandoned young prey animals so they may grow to reproduce and later be hunted.
For over 300 years the Ix home of Swef was ruled by the captain of 13 great vessels known as 'The Dread Pirate Xohkoh,' while his rule was violent he brought many riches to Swef's shores, taking over vessels while strategicly dancing around potential wars reaching their shores. So while he was a terror, the people voted for safety at yearly gatherings.
Other groups either see the Ix as incredibly brave or offputtingly shy. Ix warriors in a group can be boisterous, but those rare few who travel alone can be anti-social, but this is of course not a rule. Those who become outcast from Swef often travel looking to build new families and find allies to fight alongside.
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Of all of the beast-folk of Firnus, none are as populous, well travelled, and culturally enlightened as the Lapine people. While it is rumoured that they originate from Panthalia, the Lapine know no country as home, and in that way often see no countries borders or claims as true. Lapine are herbivores and sport tall, large ears, large eyes, and long swift legs that are used to bound across the land. They have been hunted in the tales of all carnivore cultures, but in their own history have been trickers, leaping a whiskers breadth out of danger and utilising their wits to slip out of the teeth of their predators.
The Lapine have a culture that revolves around stories. The earliest records of Firnus' past come from oral tellings of the 1000 tales of trickery, a collection of stories that transpired during the time of the first people. Perhaps due to having exeptionally long lives with some living up to 500 years old, or due to having exceptional memories, the Lapine see themselves as destined keepers of lore. Many families (or leaps) pass stories down generations to preserve them and practice the facts over and over like prayer. The hope is for the Lapine people to prosper by learning from the past, and to foster a better world by teaching the history of the people they live among.
While safety used to be found solely in numbers in modern eras when a Lapine reaches their 50th year travelling with their leap they will be sent on a journey out into the world. This journey will see them gather their own stories and discover deeper truths about themselves. As they do, many will look to a spirit known as A'rah for safety. This diety has long protected the Lapine people and appears in many historial accounts. Known to some as the Lord of Trickers, A'rah has taught the fleet-footed many tricks, shown them safe refuges, and inspired bards who suffered a lack of inspiration. A'rah once told their people that luck comes to those who make it.
It is somewhat rare to come across a Lapine warrior or adventurer as those devout to the teachings of the past have taken the lesson that the Lapine must be impartial. They choose to live only as vessels for the events around them, meaning that many leaps shun Lapine who become heroes. Instead they much be supporting roles for the righteous. This has lead many to see the Lapine as pacifists or even spread word that they are bystanders when atrocities are done. Simply recording terrible acts without moving a muscle to prevent awful occurences.
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The Lecha have been observed by many as a beautiful folk, with tall builds, long silky fur and a great cultural focus upon the arts. While historically they have been persistence pack hunters for much of their written past the Lecha have kept cattle. As the story goes they did so to afford them more time to create art pieces upon beetle shells and weave clothing.
Many of their traditions revolve around craft with the most significant being the collar. When a Lecha reaches maturity before their third decade of life, at this stage their parents will work together to create a unique piece of jewlery, a combined design of the collars worn by each guardian. As a Lecha retire around the age of 300, an individual can go through multiple collars in life, and may update them to reflect the changes in their lives and the people around them. Family determines almost everything in a Lecha's life, one's heritage is their identity and determines the works they can create by pack law. If a member of the woodworking Trebique family wanted to become a mason, they would need to marry into a family such as the Bina'Hurin. Pack Law may be a social convention but it is enforced by shunning as to not allow family secrets or trade styles to be mimicked.
The Lecha homeland contains great expanses of prairie, raging rivers and lush forests. The far North hosts tundra and treacherous climbs all the way up to the beloved Mount Atmontseea, Firnus' tallest mountain. The landmark's sudden elevation hosts many dangerous monsters and deadly terrain, but the Lecha people see it's strength as a divine display. When any living thing dies devout Lecha say that the strength of that being is consumed by the killer. This power is known as 'The Shattered Divinity' and are the remnants of an old god that tore itself apart to give life to the world. The old rituals and traditions of consumption have been discarded in favor of a culture of respect, the reverence of elders, the deification of dangerous landmarks, and monsters all fall under common worship. While worshipping murderous rivers is often seen as a strange belief, many other cultures of Firnus have an obsession with the exports of Lecha families with nobility clamouring for the latest fasionable crafts.
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The Mustel have had a long and complex history with their pawprints touching upon almost every land at some point in history. Upon first glance they are an an unassuming people, being short, somewhat scrawny, and not appearing to have much in they way of natural defences. While they do have fangs and claws, their teeth are best suited to chewing at scavenged foods, and their claws are blunt and tough, best for climbing trees. What they do have are large bushy tails for balance, keen sight that can observe a wide spectrum of colours, and flexible minds well suited to quick calculation. These attributes make them naturally keen archanists (otherwise known as spellcasters.)
The Mustel archanist has been well feared throughout history, despite the fact that the majority of these people lived in The Rav during a time where worship of The First Tree forbade them from violence in any way other than strictly self defence. The First is a diety that practically contained an entire world. The largest tree to ever exist, it's roots dug further than any could burrow, it's trunk took hours to walk around and it's tallest leaves would upwards upon falling, never entering Firnus' gravity. It's sap could cure wounds and it's fruits could soothe the ill and they were used to do so by the archanist clerics of The First. They never harmed their god, only taking what was given when it fell and treating the rest of the world around them the same. They were far from being a perfect culture, ousting their own kind from the safety of The Rav when they did not follow the path carved by the clerics.
But they accepted all kinds with kindness, which began the plight of the Rav Mustel. While those who were outcast went on to start their own communities the Mustel of the Rav greeted a guest, a foreign king who wished to find a new home for his people. King Bernard Gur of the Panthera took all the kindness he could, his people set up homes in the Rav, taking advantage of the peaceful people. Then, when the clerics put their foot down and asked the king to stop he had his warriors hunt down every battle-ready Archanist in the Rav and cut down The First Tree so he may take a throne and make a fortress with it. This was not the last time the Mustel would be stomped upon by Bernard's rule as he went on to commit two more 'purges' called The Retalliation & The Storm.
But fascists always fall, and the kingdom of Gurav was short lived. After a few generations the people of Gurav saw heroes rise and take down the Gur family, while the Rav was not reclaimed by the Mustel, they went on to build new homes. After so many attempts to destroy the Mustel they have found homes all around Firnus, no matter where you go these welcoming and industrious people will adapt. Some adaptations are social, but many are physical! The Lutra Mustel have grown taller with stockier legs and paddle tails for life by the sea. The Aniwye are small but defend themselves in dangerous jungles by releasing a potent musk when threatened. There's also the Meles Mustel that have grown taller and stronger to compete as carnivores in the South of Vide-populated Buckan.
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